Suggestions for the game

Because a lot of people aren't on the CH-DS Discord and/or don't know you can suggest new stuff - I made this post. You can suggest anythin', new mechanics, routes, characters and their personalities, etc. I won't promise that I'll add everything you talk about here, but I'll do my best.

Thanks for all suggestions, bros


CH-DS 0.12 PC ver. 180 MB
Mar 29, 2021
CH-DS 0.12 Mac ver. 179 MB
Mar 29, 2021

Get Countryhumans - Dating Sim v0.13


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(2 edits)

How about the teacher routes?That would be interesting>w<

Can you add to your game Brazil routes? I neeeeeeed ittt!!PLS<3

(1 edit)

I hope this game has a Mexico route, and the Mexico is a boy. I love him Aaah•́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀

will there ever be a greece route? I really want one haha 

istg we need serbia pls!

is there a way to get japan? or is there no way or am i just dumb? oh and good job for making the 1st ever countryhuman game!

Hmm, I want to help, but I don't know how to explain things properly


Hi i love your game! could you maybe add a sweden route? I love him so much aaaaa

I agree with u

could the game have more fun things to do with the countries or something

(2 edits)

Could the game have Indonesia and sweden route...(:

Bahasa Indonesia translate: Mungkinkah game ini memiliki rute Indonesia dan swedia...(:


Could We Get A North Korea Route Maybe

Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit) (+1)

 I think you ment to add North korea to the game, maybe n-korea is a female due for the new president or the male same South korea, I think it will be s-korea sibling, riiiight?

hewo!,how can a have the final with japan?- damn i been trying for hours- /crying noises


Hii, i recently got the game and i was wondering if its going to be an sweden route :)

(1 edit)

I love your game so much! I wanted to ask something for a friend, she really cares a lot: can you have a gay romantic ending with South Korea? And one more thing, but this is for me (eheh...) can you add Romania? Even without an ending, just to talk to us. Thank you in advance and keep it up ;)


Omg I love your game so much!!!! Can you possibly add France or Czech Republic? 

they are already in the game

heyy!! i rlly like the game, will you be adding the comment section thing anytime soon?

comment section on probably not. maybe someday, but it would be pretty hard to implement

(3 edits) (+3)


So.. First of all.. This game is just emazing. You did a really good job. And thank you very much for doing the Android version, I'm here since the beginning just waiting for it. :³  (though I have a computer, but eh..)

Second of all.. I have a suggestion for a character! Well, actually I've already seen some people (like two or three) asking for them to be there, but eh... 

Not talking about Romania or Moldova, hehe.. Actually it's Portugal. I don't know why... I guess I just liked the idea of seeing them in the game. :^

I don't really know how their personality could be.... Maybe that one person at the back of the class that likes to sleep a lot and like... Nobody remembers about their existence? And when they're awake and they go talk to people, everybody's just like: "Oh.. So you still alive?", and then they start calling him stupid names because of their sleeping problems, witch they absolutely hate and just make them want to sleep more. And by those people makin' the jokes I mean maybe Spain or Italy? Idk.. You decide..

Oh, and they would be Brazil's brother or something like that...

..I would be happy if you could at least make a reference to them in the game.. :/

Oh, and I refer to them as..well.. "them".. but you could change that too.

Uff.. Hehe.. That was a lot... (And I was going to say more things, but heh, I don't think that would be a good idea..)

So, hum... Yeah.. Keep the good work and please, please, don't be like YandereDev, if you know what I mean.... I'm here since 0.9, and that would be painful..

Have a nice day!(or night, or whatever...)

Btw, I saw the files, and...NATO is kinda of an asshole to be honest...  :^


Hi John! 

I saw someone saying that you can do Moldova which is a great idea...I was thinking you can add Romania too. She or he can be a nice person with a lot of hobbies also being very funny and chill. They could swear kinda a lot and be flirty but in a friendly way.

I love this game so much and I appreciate all the effort you're putting in. <3

thanks man, im doin my best. and thanks for the suggestion


Well hello John.

So... I see people asking for Moldova  and things like that but, as a portuguese I was thinking... What if you add Portugal? Or at least a reference to him? Like a character talking about him? I don't know... He could be the kind of person who likes to make jokes about everything, but getting pissed if someone makes a joke about him, or something like that... Oh, and he could also be friends with Spain, because well... Spain is right near to us.

However, just add him if you want... Your the one who makes the game, I just play it. ( UwU)

(also, I'm sorry about the bad english. It's not my first language. ( TwT) )

Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit)

japan is dateable but ill add more


hello john happy birthday! speaking of tips for the game, I love the game! and more his funny choices but it was hard for me to understand what he was saying since I am 15 years old and I don't know much English, I live in Colombia and it would be great if I had a Spanish translation and that if it were Peru or other Latin American countries or even Asian countries like China or North Korea as students

I repeat I love your game and I would love for this dating game to become the first in the best uwu

thank you bro

ill do my best


don't overdo it also take a break from time to time john


Hello John, i started playing your game today after a fellow countryhuman friend recommended it to me,epic game btw (by the way)! Sad thing is, that it lacks characters, like- many many characters, but don't worry John, I understand,  games take time, take a rest sometime, ok? Anyway, now that we are over all that praise stuff, I'm here to suggest a character and maybe a few other suggestions about how the game can go from an underground  indie game- to the next Genshin Impact of dating sims (aside from being greedy like Mihoyo, of course ((P hope))((please don't do it John, don't be like Mihoyo))((take my word for it))) So on the context of character suggestion, I suggest adding this poor third world country -Moldova, yeah I know I know it seems like a boring country but it's far from it, I can confirm since I'm from there, thou I agree it 98% looks like shit. Nonetheless... While she seems like a poor-ass country there's many bizzare things for example there's a bunch of corruption, which, I know, it's maybe not needed to be talked about, but how about it gets portrayed as something permanently within her? Here comes the real spice of my suggestion, Huge.Ass.Tits (Absolutely huge bazookas), I might look like a huge degenerate rn (right now) but look it makes sense in a symbolical way. A midget country with a huge bust to hold it back from ever growing near to her brother's (Romania's) level. Now, let's say, the countries are separated beings from ordinary mortal humans, right? How about getting the hang of some cool lore about the actual destiny of these countries? What do they do amongst (amogus ) humans? Where do they come from? Are they distant relatives of the Homo species? Do they have a meaning? Or do they plan getting the whole living world in despair followed by a permanent death? What if they are a threat to humans because of their superiority as countries? This can lead to a cool Evangelion-like lore, an absolute intriguing story of what would be like if humans lived for decades with a species similar to them. Anyway that's all I could get out, Happy birthday, John, have a great day.


oh my fuckin god

i do like the bazonkaz idea though


Man of culture


if you're going to add huge bazonkaz we also need a man with a huge


dont worry

im on it

not the buldge but

yeah you get it


yeah i get it