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This is a great game play! May i suggest new routes? Such as a blast to the past and the player has the choice to either be sent to ww1, ww2 or present time. A lot of people like the older characters such as Austria-Hungary or USSR. Now I get the whole problem with the Third Reich and Soviet Union but you could always leave a disclaimer that these characters are involved in the game. You can also use an x for the swastika and just a yellow dot for the Soviet. Also props to you because this game is amazing!


very cool, short but entertaining, but question (order), i demand john's route

hot lemon route is good idea


Oh i have an idea. Howa bout you make an DLC where it is in the past. So Russia is USSR, Finland is Finland, America is America, And Canada is Canada.... So only one new person. Or you could have like. Third Reich, Japanese Empire, Kingdom of Italy, And USSR in a DLC or something. That would be a good idea. But what do i know? I just play games. You do you comrade.


That would be interesting but not for a dating sim, you know, especially when it comes to dating Third Reich, USSR and people like that


Well... Just give a warning or just do what everyone does when drawing Third Reich. Just make a Plus sign and USSR... I don't know. But not all of the Countryhumans fans like Finland, Russia, America, Or Canada. Yes alot do. But there are those kind of people who like the older Countrys. Like me. I like USSR. (I'm a big history nerd and i mostly learn about the Soviet Union/USSR) But don't let people who hate that stuff knock you down. You're letting the hate get to you. If you love what you're making. Make it. Doesn't matter if everyone hates it. Make what you love. But what do i know? I just play games. You do you comrade.

This game is very cool ;)
I wait a new update

Thanks dude and I'm working on it

how to translate into Brazilian Portuguese and that I'm from Brazil and I need to translate all the time

The game doesn't have any other language versions other than English, I might work with some people to make other language versions someday


The game was amazing! I really enjoyed playing it, keep up the good work^^ I also couldn't stop laughing at some germany scenes lol

Deleted 2 years ago

I'll make his route better in the next version - also im glad you like the game


I got the germany and the japan route (along with the main 3) but i cannot seem to get the italy route! am i dumb or


I also couldn’t get Italy 😔


there 4 main characters and yeah italys route is not fully finished yet but ill do my best to deliver it quickly


this is honestly a guilty pleasure of mine--

we need sweden and poland to be dateable i love them


YES, we need them


i made an account just to say, this is amazing and i love it :)

im glad you do :}


hello back to say

you are ebic

no u r



no u



rong u


*gasps* i have been outplayed

but like you are ebic by default


Wait so is it possible to get Italy? I can’t figure out how to get him


aaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh the game is amazing thank yuo!1!1! i love the art style and the meme referencesss :)))  since ive finished all of the routes im going to cry until another route is released keep up the good work comrade


Thank you dude im glad you enjoyed the game


I'm sad cuz I can't confess to Germany cuz he's not the main character :(
but I really like your game, keep it up!

actually you can he's one of the dateable side characters - japan, italian and germ


(1 edit) (+3)

Uk is kinda hot


Im just saying


who are you


Lemon Juice





how dare you


This game is amazing and all, but I have some questions. 

1. what are the items in your inventory 4???

2. how come  finland's bar won't go up??? When I played, It only went up when I did russia's route. When I tried what u advised in the walkthrough it didn't work 4 me


1 - I'm confused, what do you mean by that? You can give them to characters on certain occasions.

2 - It's glitch, I'll fix it. You get the reputation points, the bar just doesn't work


YOU CAN GIVE THEM GIFTS ON CERTAIN OCCASIONS?!?!? I've tried so HARD to find out how to.... T-T


like in the simulations, Hetalia.




who doesnt


never thought i'd catch myself playing a dating simulator about country humans. . .

The game is amazing tho-

glad ya like it budday


Hi, this game looks really fun and really good but I'm having big difficulties downloading it. Is there any video or place that can help me out with it? ;-; I really wanna try and play that game :<


hop onto the discord, we can help u there

(2 edits) (+2)

Could we have like room for us in game? So we can invite  one of countries to our rooms?  By the way nice game, it's  was pretty cool.  sorry for my bad grammar by the way-.

hmm i might add that someday

(1 edit) (+2)

I really love this Game and i would buy it 😂❤️ I'm looking forward to new things and can i somehow flirting with UK or Germany? 🤔


You can with Germany, BUT NOT WITH UK HES A TEACHER


saaad xd UK is hooooot


ahem. . . Nice B)

i mean yeah 'B,;)


Hey my first comment on! Hello John!


whats good


This game is good.

good to know :)


i love this game so much (can the sweed be a option maybe? hes the best)

I might add him someday :)


Playing this game was a joy keep it up!

(1 edit) (+1)

Glad you liked it friend :)


I see the files ( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡•)



the memes incorporated in this,,,, very ebic.

no u are ebic


illegal i call that illegal you're the one who can draw here

(1 edit)

no u

no u


You don't really see Finland often cause people focus more on America and Russia so it suprised me when Fish boi was in this dating sim. 

This game is absolutely amazing, keep up the good work ^w^

I always thought that Finland was one of the most popular characters personally, I mean it obvious that he had to be one of the main dateable characters

(1 edit) (+2)

I need to date Poland and become Sweden's friend pLEaSe ThiS ThiNG yOU'vE mAde Is GloRioUS

Also for some reason Germany looks like a grown man lol

I might add polen someday or sweden :)

and yeah but he just fancy aight




i hope we can confess to japan in future updates owo

or poland xd


you can confess to japan  but poland isn't dateble still



PLEASEEEEEE, everyone is so cue and I'm blushing at the character designs at every given moment. Russia is THE bae, thank you for coming to my TED talk.


thank you :)


I would LOVE my homecountry, Spain, to be an actual playeable chara in the game, gOD, also Germany, Grece, and the other secondary ones 

ill probably add spain in some update thank you for your suggestion :)




who doesnt hes best boi



(2 edits) (+3)

yeah im in love with the aaaarrrttttttttt, its a bit weird the flags are their skin but its not a bad thing haha, russia is best boy. I kinda want to see them older though, and you're a one man army haha, kudos !!


im glad you like the art i understand it might be weird to see the flags as their skin but ye know mate that the fandom haha

(1 edit) (+1)

this is literally a masterpiece. The most heavenly thing I have every seen. Something so magic it force me to make an account on this very platform. On god. 

You should like literally post this on insta or the countryhuman amino. I literally found this searching through google images (yikes). Other people need to see this and I bet they would download the fuck out of it. There's a demand and you can fit that demand. I know my marketing, I had a business on habbo hotel, trust me...

oh god a habbo hotel businessman I will listen to you good sir and post it everywhere

btw i have already posted it on amino and ig where else good habbo hotel businessman sir



thank you comrade


Ur welcome bro.


I would just like to say thank you. Thank you so much for blessing me and the people who'll be playing this such an amazing game. If I could be honest I kinda stopped being in the countryhumans fandom but this game brought memories and I was really glad playing it. Once again I want to say thank you and I hope you have a great day :)) (Tbh, I want North Korea but it's all good) Jason Derulo's pp has been satisfied.

thank you jason the rulo pee pee

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