Does anyone know how to get america´s route. I´ve been tryna find it like a dummy and still can´t find it. I´ll be really happy if someone tells me :v.
Nevermind already found it, I just found out America is an otaku and yes I am tryna figure out japan´s route and other side characters. I´m really satisfied with the game..
Oh really?. Could you tell me how to get it?, I haven't done it yet and I've tried repeatedly, but without any success :"D I would really appreciate it
Oh sure, sorry for not answering earlier, all you have to do is agree with everything he says and help him get Canada back. Then you can confess to him on Monday and he will say yes.
So I´ve been playing this game and I think it´s pretty good, I already got Russia ending and Canada. But I still don´t know how to get america(I would be happy if someone told me how). It´s completly safe and doesn´t have virus and it also has diferent endings. Its my favorite game!! Congrats to the developers, keep going.
I deleted my old account, made a new account, forgot the password, changed the password, did an empty brain moment, remembered what I was doing in the first place, forgot what I was doing, remembered what I was doing in the first place, and came here, just to say, my dumbass couldn't figure out how to date Germany; therefore, this game is trash /hj.
for the russia ending, you gotta talk to russia a lot and stuff and then write a love letter to him during class on monday.
for germany, you have to talk to germany a lot and agree to see him when he wants you to review something he wrote for "this person i have a crush on."
sorry i haven't played the game in a month or two this is all i remember :(
no, in fact it's the opposite. you have to be female. japan's ending is currently kinda bugged and john is going to have it fixed in the next update :)
HOLY SHIT A CH GAME THATS NOT A MEME OR CRINGE??? AND THERES NO CIRCLE TOOL HEADS???? EFHBJSDAK FUKIN AMAZING!! sorry for the caps lock fangirl squeal, im saving this bc this is an absolute rarity but ill sadly not be playing it bc of personal headcannon reasons. but this is an amazing game for this fandom and should be considered the standard for ch games. ^-^
Okay so after awhile of trial and error I finally found out. First your choices for clubs dont matter just choose whatever you want.
On your real day of school,Introduce yourself with "'Hello, everyone!", "'My hobbies are" and "'Painting, drawing". Then during break go to class where you overhear uk asking canada to tutor students. Then during the exam, choose the third options and get the lowest score, then accept tutoring with canada. While getting tutored by canada, click the ask about britan option.
On the next day, go to class and work in his group along with finland and italy. Choose the lets hear what canada has to say option and canada has nice handwriting. After that go to the place where canada and america are having a fight, choose to follow canada choose the you'll help him through it and claim that you'll help as much as you can.
Ask america about it and then go talk to russia behind the school near the trash and talk to him about canada. Say that you will help him find it. After school, meet russia and go look for canada, he is at the third option. You can confess (if intimacy high enough) and say "I love you" and things like that.
When Britan asks about Shakespeare's famous work, let others speak. Then meet him and ukraine during break and agree to help him go talk to america.
Then you continue on with your gameplay
On monday, confess to him and choose the "I dont know how", "I think you should know", "meet me near the schoolyard tree", and "Love *insert name*", then give the note to russia and Voila!!! Canada route completed!
america, canada, japan , russia, finland, denmark, spain, germany, poland, italy, south korea are persons you can get one with. south korea is a friendship ending tho. and some have 2 endings :)
hello :)) i've gotten finlands ending this way 5 times haha (yes i play this often) :
-lets start with the day after the club picking (friday) : when introducing yourself, your choices do not matter. Once english class is over and you have the first break, go to the class. Then you'll write the english test. I suggest choosing middle answers becuz that will lead to america asking you to study (you just say no - he'll take it the best). Your choice in P.E. doesnt matter.
-monday. you'll see the fight between poland / lithuania and after, go to maths class. in the break after math class, just enter class. india (the teacher) will tell you to do a group project, join finlands/italys/canadas group. agree with finland on focusing on information. when discussing who should write, choose canada. break again - go to class. after english class, ukraine will go ask you to give finland something. choose go find finland and after giving it to him, ask him if him and sweden are friends. when you have the option to draw/write something, don't do that. pay attention or fall asleep. School will end and there will be a text saying 'you see two guys with a big fluffy dog'. approach them. ask them if iggy really is their only bond.
-tuesday. you'll see finland and sweden discussing about gay, then you'll go to class. when having the choice to talk to america, just pay attention in class instead. also don't draw something after. in the break, go to the class hallway (where finland / sweden are). when finland asks you to make valentines day snacks w him, say yes. in class, fall asleep/pay attention instead of looking around (you'd probably get polands route). in the break, go to class. again, don't write or draw something. then you'll go in front of the school to meet finland. when he asks you what food you should make, choose karelian pies. while the pies are in the oven, ask how he thinks its going to taste. also stay for longer (to talk to him obviously), ask him if he likes metal. when he asks what you like, also choose metal.
-wednesday. when the uk asks about shakespeare, let others speaks and then fall asleep during frances/uk's argument. go to the class hallway in the break and tell sweden "oh hi johnny. i mean sweden" ,math class after doesnt matter. in the next break go to the class hallway again. when finland asks you to go to his party, say yes. rest of the day is not important.
-thursday. when you see italy getting knocked over by lithuania in the first break after math class, ignore him. after frances and uk's fight, go to the class hallway in the break. finland will talk to you - then physics class, then go home.
-friday. first thing you'll see is sweden and finland. in the 1st break go to class. nothing interesting happens the whole day. after the 'after class you go home' screen , you'll see finland. you'll drink milk, meet denmark. when lithuania fights finland because of estonia, fight lithuania by avenging finny.
-monday. denmark is gonna talk to you, choose 'oh haha' and 'i can't sorry'. (otherwise denmarks route starts) you'll have the option to write a love letter now, address it to finny. say "dear finland. i love you man. not like a friend. meet me near the front of the school after class, i've got something to tell you. love, me." after you tell sweden to give it to him, finland will ask you out :)
← Return to gay ass visual novel
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very cool
Does anyone know how to get america´s route. I´ve been tryna find it like a dummy and still can´t find it. I´ll be really happy if someone tells me :v.
Nevermind already found it, I just found out America is an otaku and yes I am tryna figure out japan´s route and other side characters. I´m really satisfied with the game..
Oh sure, sorry for not answering earlier, all you have to do is agree with everything he says and help him get Canada back. Then you can confess to him on Monday and he will say yes.
So I´ve been playing this game and I think it´s pretty good, I already got Russia ending and Canada. But I still don´t know how to get america(I would be happy if someone told me how). It´s completly safe and doesn´t have virus and it also has diferent endings. Its my favorite game!! Congrats to the developers, keep going.
How did you get Canada... Literally
I deleted my old account, made a new account, forgot the password, changed the password, did an empty brain moment, remembered what I was doing in the first place, forgot what I was doing, remembered what I was doing in the first place, and came here, just to say, my dumbass couldn't figure out how to date Germany; therefore, this game is trash /hj.
just join him and when its like break time just spend time with him in every way possible
Does anyone know how to get south korea's route ?
Sorry but there is no korea´s route..
actually there is a korea route. it's a platonic route
after taking a look into the game files, i saw that you can only date male countries. so you are either gay or female
You can date Japan too, but her route is a little hard to get (or so full of bugs it just wouldn't work idk)
I need to know how
Japan is frickin adorable in this game
I love this game so much !! I didn't expect I can date Denmark !!!
Can u date Ukraine?
Can anyone tell me how to get the russia or germany ending? I kept getting the spain or denmark's ending :'v
for the russia ending, you gotta talk to russia a lot and stuff and then write a love letter to him during class on monday.
for germany, you have to talk to germany a lot and agree to see him when he wants you to review something he wrote for "this person i have a crush on."
sorry i haven't played the game in a month or two this is all i remember :(
Ohh thank you for talling me! :)
the android version is 'safe to download' right.?
yeah it is
i like vanilla,how dare you say that nobody likes vanilla
Does ur character have to be male to get the Japan ending??
no, in fact it's the opposite. you have to be female. japan's ending is currently kinda bugged and john is going to have it fixed in the next update :)
HOLY SHIT A CH GAME THATS NOT A MEME OR CRINGE??? AND THERES NO CIRCLE TOOL HEADS???? EFHBJSDAK FUKIN AMAZING!! sorry for the caps lock fangirl squeal, im saving this bc this is an absolute rarity but ill sadly not be playing it bc of personal headcannon reasons. but this is an amazing game for this fandom and should be considered the standard for ch games. ^-^
ok, but u gotta admit the bios of the characters and the backgrounds are kinda meme-y 😭
i dont mind the bios, its standard ch stuff and as for the backgrounds i havent played the game so i have no opinion :/
How can I get Italy Yandere's route
Just woo italy in class but at breaks go to finland, if it works there would be extra text that would tell u ur being watched
There is a problem with Japan's routes😢😢😢When will it be repaired?
i still love this and i dont regret it
me too
I'm losing my mind over this
Well maybe cAUSE its kind of hard to find the diferent routs though. But I still don´t regret dowlowding it. But sometimes It does break my mind.
Went n with little expectations, left impressed and enjoying it. Great with like friends who can voice act it with you.
fuck you
jerma noises
y can i not get italy's yandere route? i may just be dumb but who knows
lol I got it bruv nevermin
how did u get it?
I probably did it the hard way but I just changed the values in the games files for Italy yandere route from false to true :)
what file did you edit and with what program? ive been trying to get japan's ending but im getting stuck on like 99.9% :(
One of the first games I played ! Loved it too bits, (Germany is my favvv)
Finally I can get Canada's route Thankyou Lavii
how can I get America's route
merica baby, get gun. shoot gun, win
best guidefor referefence
Pls do a Brazil route in the future 😔🙏
how do I get Canada's route ? cause I've been trying to get to date him but I couldn't get through.
Okay so after awhile of trial and error I finally found out. First your choices for clubs dont matter just choose whatever you want.
On your real day of school,Introduce yourself with "'Hello, everyone!", "'My hobbies are" and "'Painting, drawing". Then during break go to class where you overhear uk asking canada to tutor students. Then during the exam, choose the third options and get the lowest score, then accept tutoring with canada. While getting tutored by canada, click the ask about britan option.
On the next day, go to class and work in his group along with finland and italy. Choose the lets hear what canada has to say option and canada has nice handwriting. After that go to the place where canada and america are having a fight, choose to follow canada choose the you'll help him through it and claim that you'll help as much as you can.
Ask america about it and then go talk to russia behind the school near the trash and talk to him about canada. Say that you will help him find it. After school, meet russia and go look for canada, he is at the third option. You can confess (if intimacy high enough) and say "I love you" and things like that.
When Britan asks about Shakespeare's famous work, let others speak. Then meet him and ukraine during break and agree to help him go talk to america.
Then you continue on with your gameplay
On monday, confess to him and choose the "I dont know how", "I think you should know", "meet me near the schoolyard tree", and "Love *insert name*", then give the note to russia and Voila!!! Canada route completed!
How can I get Japan's route ? she is really cute!!!
U need to be a girl, she's lesb ^^
Can someone tell me how many ending of this game??
Yesterday I played this game, I couldn't get a single ending at all :'), I hope the future of this game will be so much famous 💗
15 endings!
america, canada, japan , russia, finland, denmark, spain, germany, poland, italy, south korea are persons you can get one with. south korea is a friendship ending tho. and some have 2 endings :)
how do i get finland? he looks really cute 😢
hello :)) i've gotten finlands ending this way 5 times haha (yes i play this often) :
-lets start with the day after the club picking (friday) : when introducing yourself, your choices do not matter. Once english class is over and you have the first break, go to the class. Then you'll write the english test. I suggest choosing middle answers becuz that will lead to america asking you to study (you just say no - he'll take it the best). Your choice in P.E. doesnt matter.
-monday. you'll see the fight between poland / lithuania and after, go to maths class. in the break after math class, just enter class. india (the teacher) will tell you to do a group project, join finlands/italys/canadas group. agree with finland on focusing on information. when discussing who should write, choose canada. break again - go to class. after english class, ukraine will go ask you to give finland something. choose go find finland and after giving it to him, ask him if him and sweden are friends. when you have the option to draw/write something, don't do that. pay attention or fall asleep. School will end and there will be a text saying 'you see two guys with a big fluffy dog'. approach them. ask them if iggy really is their only bond.
-tuesday. you'll see finland and sweden discussing about gay, then you'll go to class. when having the choice to talk to america, just pay attention in class instead. also don't draw something after. in the break, go to the class hallway (where finland / sweden are). when finland asks you to make valentines day snacks w him, say yes. in class, fall asleep/pay attention instead of looking around (you'd probably get polands route). in the break, go to class. again, don't write or draw something. then you'll go in front of the school to meet finland. when he asks you what food you should make, choose karelian pies. while the pies are in the oven, ask how he thinks its going to taste. also stay for longer (to talk to him obviously), ask him if he likes metal. when he asks what you like, also choose metal.
-wednesday. when the uk asks about shakespeare, let others speaks and then fall asleep during frances/uk's argument. go to the class hallway in the break and tell sweden "oh hi johnny. i mean sweden" ,math class after doesnt matter. in the next break go to the class hallway again. when finland asks you to go to his party, say yes. rest of the day is not important.
-thursday. when you see italy getting knocked over by lithuania in the first break after math class, ignore him. after frances and uk's fight, go to the class hallway in the break. finland will talk to you - then physics class, then go home.
-friday. first thing you'll see is sweden and finland. in the 1st break go to class. nothing interesting happens the whole day. after the 'after class you go home' screen , you'll see finland. you'll drink milk, meet denmark. when lithuania fights finland because of estonia, fight lithuania by avenging finny.
-monday. denmark is gonna talk to you, choose 'oh haha' and 'i can't sorry'. (otherwise denmarks route starts) you'll have the option to write a love letter now, address it to finny. say "dear finland. i love you man. not like a friend. meet me near the front of the school after class, i've got something to tell you. love, me." after you tell sweden to give it to him, finland will ask you out :)
thank you so much for your help!!! :)
Can you please add North Korea :D?
Cuz i wanna date him >:]
Add some more country And also add one of the countries that will be yandere + add more ending
I really like this game! Its really fun and so sweet >:D👍
hey !
the creator said they aren't gonna add nk, but theres yandere italy :)
Kinda sad but THANK YOU!! >:00✨✨
can I date Japan? She kissed me but then i cant write a love letter to her.
you can ! the love letters r for the main characters, she's a side one. just continue without the letter!
oh thank you!
question can i date french ? x)
since she is a teacher, no
it feels akward to see Russia and Ukrain being siblings :/
and i am scared of Italy i knew there was going to be a ''Monika'' character