1 - visit and join the art club 2 - say your favorite style of art is anime 3 - say choose the top stuff while introducing yourself 4 - choose the top stuff on the test 5 - dont help russia 6 - join japan's group 7 - choose aesthetics 8 - draw anime and let japan see it 9 - help her on the visual novel 10 - spend as much time as you can with her 11 - say you like visual novels 12 - choose boba 13 - choose "i hope we can go on adventures like that" 14 - choose "no thank you" while at her house 15 - choose "i loved everything" 16 - choose "i would never make fun of you" 17 - choose "cute cakes" while talking with her 18 - choose "peach"
I can't get past her just saying "goodbye" and not asking for help.... I have tried so many different times with never being able to help her.... i've been doing it as a girl and following step by step :/
oof sorry idk how. I just got into her route somehow and rolled with it. But i just tried my best to always hang out with her and to match her vibes. I'll replay the game and see
you have to be a girl and then basically interact with japan every chance you get until she starts liking you and try to like gift her things as much as possible too lmao
Мне бы очень хотелось увидеть продолжение этой игры... и чтобы было что-то еще, например, развитие отношений с тем, кого мы выбрали. Есть еще одежда... Да.... Перевод на русский язык был невозможен, потому что сидеть в ваших руках в качестве переводчика - это не кайф.
this game is the equivalent to watching paint dry all while the same bass loop plays each 15 seconds. Even with the rainbow skin and stereotypes, these characters are so bland they make we want to KILL MYSELF.
Also fyi i broke my nintendo switch soo much i got it to run fucking google P.S. im using google on the switch to type these comments and to even get here and i manged to join the illuminati using google on a goddamn nintendo switch wtf am i doing rn
sooo i had a idea that i thought was cool what if yandere italy could interfere with denmarks ending? idk i just had that idea and also a recomendation for a new character maybe norway? but idk i love your game tho
nvm sorry i didnt see that you werent working on this game anymore
so basically interact with Italy as if you were trying to get the normal Italy ending then I forgot which day it was but when u can go to talk to Sweden and Finland after school go to them and if it says you feel watched than it’s working then just interact with others until you get to the break where Canada is in the club hallway, America is I think in the hallway or the yard? Russia at the trash cans and Finland in the class hallway whoever you talk to at that part will go missing then make it to Monday of week 2 and write a love letter to someone then that should trigger the ending sorry that it’s not that detailed
← Return to gay ass visual novel
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How did i get Yandere Italy's route at first try🤷♀️
I did to lol
i am madly in love with finland
when he said he liked metallica I fell automatically in love
finland so cutie patootie >w<
I agree
Brazillian guy should rob the player
HEY! not cool.........
I got their hearts the first time.. :_)
Im sad because i could only get russia :(
I can help you get their ending if you want :')
Russia keeps rejected me
i got lonley route
i get to date... russia.....omgomg yes
I cant get the japan rout as soon as i almost get there i have to reject her offer the meet outside the school what do I do?
sleep in class
well, I was trynna get with Russia because tragic backstory but somehow ended with Denmark this game was very slay.
my brother in christ is it possible to date Greece
i dont think so, it is not on the list (sorry)
no one asked, but my top of routes(not really characters)
1. finland (he's cool and events was interesting)
2. denmark (cutiepie who loves you just because)
3. italy (don't betray creative people :*)
4. spain (easy date, handsome guy :D)
5. germany (wow... he's gorgeous)
6. poland (nice but i'm a bit tired of trying to get his route lol)
7. america (not bad tho)
8. canada (also not bad)
9. russia (HELP i love him but where is my date, events are connected only with the disputes of brothers ;-;)
10. s.korea (cute but nothing more)
11. loneliness (noooooooooo)
i think i'll put japan somewhere after poland, but i don't have development after overnight stay, so idk
Has anyone managed to get the Japan ending? If yes, please tell me how (preferably in detail :))
1 - visit and join the art club
2 - say your favorite style of art is anime
3 - say choose the top stuff while introducing yourself
4 - choose the top stuff on the test
5 - dont help russia
6 - join japan's group
7 - choose aesthetics
8 - draw anime and let japan see it
9 - help her on the visual novel
10 - spend as much time as you can with her
11 - say you like visual novels
12 - choose boba
13 - choose "i hope we can go on adventures like that"
14 - choose "no thank you" while at her house
15 - choose "i loved everything"
16 - choose "i would never make fun of you"
17 - choose "cute cakes" while talking with her
18 - choose "peach"
I can't get past her just saying "goodbye" and not asking for help.... I have tried so many different times with never being able to help her.... i've been doing it as a girl and following step by step :/
Me me confused on 9
and also you need to be a girl
It didn't work for me :(
Я так хочу поиграть в эту игру, почему здесь нет перевода на русский?(((((
Я тоже люблю русский, чувак, но вроде английский более универсальный.
В следующий раз не так эгоистично, пожалуйста. :3
Japan best route. I love her sm
Everyone has given solid advice, I'm just dumb.
I need to know how I'm supposed to help her with the visual novel
oof sorry idk how. I just got into her route somehow and rolled with it. But i just tried my best to always hang out with her and to match her vibes. I'll replay the game and see
you have to choose the middle option when she asks what game you like(i think)
How do I get Canada to like me.... I tried everything😭
You have to PRAISE him as much as possible possible and on the quiz all of the bottom answers
Just played it and it's really good!
i dont know how to get japan how do I even get japan's ending?
you have to be a girl and then basically interact with japan every chance you get until she starts liking you and try to like gift her things as much as possible too lmao
How do i get past the load screen? Every time i click start load prefs it just shows me black boxes and doesn't let me click anything.
How to get ending of America...
I tried everything but it didn't work TT
(this is a step-through-step explanation) (it doesn't usually matter a whole lot but just giving you the best options)
First you should join the drama club
Then when you introduce yourself only choose the BOTTOM/LAST option
When you get to the break, always talk to America
(talking to america) choose "HONESTLY, YOU'RE THE COOLEST PERSON HERE"
(taking the TEST) choose only MIDDLE/SECOND option
(TALKING to America) choose "SURE"
(when STUDYING at America's house) choose "DO YOU LIKE ANIME"
choose "DO YOU LIKE 80'S MUSIC"
When you get to break without America choose to go to CLASS
choose to go to AMERICA, RUSSIA, and UKRAINE's group
choose "LET'S USE RED"
(Let me know if you need anymore help)
Thanks for help me,dude
Do you know....
How to get Poland route,PLEASETT
yeh, don't worry.
Sorry bro, I forgot to actually send the route guide lol
First) make sure you're a girl(
Second) say you want to visit the music club(Third) choose the middle option "A polish composer and pianist"(Fourth) choose to be apart of the music club(
Fifth) when introducing yourself, be sure for the last choice you pick "playing and listening to music"(Sixth)when Germany asks you who your favorite composer is say "Frederic Chopin"(Seventh)be sure to talk to Poland whenever you can(Eighth)when you get to Tuesday, week 1. period 2, choose "look around the classroom"(Ninth)when you get to Sunday, week 1, morning(not actually) when you go to bed you should get a message from PolandYou have successfully gotten to the point where you can't fuck this up, congrats.
Мне бы очень хотелось увидеть продолжение этой игры... и чтобы было что-то еще, например, развитие отношений с тем, кого мы выбрали. Есть еще одежда... Да.... Перевод на русский язык был невозможен, потому что сидеть в ваших руках в качестве переводчика - это не кайф.
но большое вам спасибо за эту игру!!
Cant even get japan ending since i just open something called self voicing
I cant get the south korea ending.after you start the music thing with him and it hits the weekend the game freezes and doesn't let you move on.
How do u start the music thing omg... On week 2 when its weekend i can't even sleep no more
Join the music club,go there each time until he shows up then go to him every time,he is usualy on the roof after 1st or 2nd interaction.
I got to date finland so 10/10 also i hate america (mainly because i live there )
g a y .
this game is the equivalent to watching paint dry all while the same bass loop plays each 15 seconds. Even with the rainbow skin and stereotypes, these characters are so bland they make we want to KILL MYSELF.
Game of the year!!!!?
Now i want you to add... maybe nazi and ussr
Also fyi i broke my nintendo switch soo much i got it to run fucking google P.S. im using google on the switch to type these comments and to even get here and i manged to join the illuminati using google on a goddamn nintendo switch wtf am i doing rn
What the hell? i got this and thought it would be a full-on game but now i know its a fucking itch visual novel
i got most side characters and only 2 of the main characters
i only played this for shits and giggles but i got so invested i ended up playing for like 2 hours
i also like how Russia wasn't made to be a bad person more of just a loner
11/10 would recommend
Gosh I love this game so much!! My favorite characters are Germany and Canada, I just loved the endings- Okay, i think i like shy boys
Im stupid and didint know I could be confesed to also Russia hates me lol
He always rejects me
ohhh, I got hi
keep hangout w him and PRAISE him like the way i praise my doggo
can anyone tell me how long this game is?
its just a short dating sim its not too long each day is prob about like 10-20 mins long? idk prob more near to 10
sooo i had a idea that i thought was cool what if yandere italy could interfere with denmarks ending? idk i just had that idea and also a recomendation for a new character maybe norway? but idk i love your game tho
nvm sorry i didnt see that you werent working on this game anymore
how do you get Yandere Italy?
so basically interact with Italy as if you were trying to get the normal Italy ending then I forgot which day it was but when u can go to talk to Sweden and Finland after school go to them and if it says you feel watched than it’s working then just interact with others until you get to the break where Canada is in the club hallway, America is I think in the hallway or the yard? Russia at the trash cans and Finland in the class hallway whoever you talk to at that part will go missing then make it to Monday of week 2 and write a love letter to someone then that should trigger the ending sorry that it’s not that detailed
thank you so much!
np x3