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i lov the update

thanks bro worked hard on it


Although I dislike countryhumans, and own a server about disliking it, I will admit, this has quality. It's funny in my opinion how much effort went into this, and you definitely have talent.

Will be playing more of this in the server. Everyone loves watching it, lol.


thanks bro :DD


thanks bro :DD


Add Australia and Argentina plz


australia already in there but ill ad more of him


bro i have windows but how do you open itttttttt


did you extract it? When you extract it, press on the file called CH-DS, then the game should start


America keeps rejecting me, does his route needs specific events or am i dumb?


Same. I wish there was a pdf guide provided. Maybe someone already made one?

his route (in my opinion,) was probably the easiest. all you need to do is just agree with him with everything and follow him around if you get the chance to do so. also, when the fight between him and canada happens, follow him instead of russia. when writing the letter, i just chose 2nd option -> 3rd option -> 3rd option. sorry if it doesnt work for ya, i could redo his route and give clearer instructions if you want me to.


Yeah, im definitely doing something wrong, but i dont know what it is. i even got the scene on the country cafe now, but he still rejects me. :[ its okay tho, you dont need to go out of your way, thanks for helping me :)

(1 edit)

okay ill try to give clearer instructions, even though you said i didnt need to. anyway,

we'll be starting from the beginning of the game.

im not sure if this even affects anything, but when checking out the clubs, choose drama. america will be the one  guiding/touring you through the club. when italy + greek ask you which gods to choose, choose greek gods.
after that, just pick any club to join. i dont think it matters in the first place, but i chose drama if you want to follow.

ok now its friday. or your first real day at school.
when introducing yourself, just choose any options. doesnt matter, really. i recommend the middle option(s), it seems like the most decent one(s) out of all of them.
now, when the break starts, go to america (main hallway). when he asks you how you feel about the school, choose "honestly, you're the coolest person here.".  then, when talking about the test you didnt study for, you can choose either options.  i picked "im going to get a shit grade.", though. you can follow if you'd like.

when going through the test, choose the middle options. you dont wanna get an atrocious nor excellent grade at this part.
"'amish paradise' is a very brave piece about keeping traditions because..."
" talks about how hard living without electricity is."
"it can teach about how important it is to accelerate."
those are the answers.
if you did it right, the teacher should be congratulating japan, not you. america will be asking you to "study" on saturday. obviously, say "sure."

when youre sitting on the bed with him, say "do you like anime?". after that, he'll be asking you what anime you like. pick "nyan neko sugar girls". then, you'll be asking what kind of music he likes. this time, ask "do you like 80's music?"
youll go back home after all that, you can do anything youd like. just be sure to sleep to move on to the next day.

next day. you can skip the whole first period. doesn't really matter. in the first break, you can do anything youd like. though i recommend going back to class  since you might activate another person's route.
now, it should be math class. you'll need to go to groups for this one.
join the group that america's in. should be russia, america, and ukraine.
russia and america should be fighting like usual. up to you to stop them from causing chaos. these are the options you should pick.
"please calm down, we've got to work on the project, right?"
"calm down, please."
"let's use blue."

at this point, america has no idea what the topic is about. you can either copy from the book or tell them you remember some stuff.

if you pick "i actually remember some stuff about him.", russia will ask you what he was famous for then. choose "i think he's famous for the law of hydrostatics.". he'll ask if you are sure, so say yes.
-- orrr you can pick "lets just copy from the book." too, if you want. doesn't really matter.

okay, now its the second break. go to america and canada (schoolyard). they should be fighting or something. after the fight, stay with america. at this point you can skip the whole day until you get to go home. dont recommend doing ukraines quest or doing something in class that sparks italia/japan's interest, might accidentally start someone else's route. just pick fall asleep/pay attention in class for the rest of the route.

next day, youll be sitting next to america. talk to him. in the first break, go to america(schoolyard). you'll be talking to him about canada. offer to help him, since i dont think he will unless both of you are in it. second break, you can go to the main hallway if you want to do some lottery. i went back to class though. anyway, after school you'll be looking for canada with america. he'll ask you where you think he could be. say "what is the least populated part of town?". 

now its wednesday. you can skip the first class, doesn't matter. in the first break, go to america(schoolyard). youll be talking about canada again. these are the options youll pick.

in the second break, go to america(main hallway). you dont really have a choice but to help him apologize to canada. after school, you should be in the cafe. (p.s if he says "you're pretty cool, you know?" you've done everything right so far.)

(okay, while im re-doing america's route, for some reason germany appears right after canada and america apologize. didnt happen before, but just in case it also happens to you, just say hi.)

next day, you can skip class. though, right after, a fight between italy and lithuania starts. you can choose to help italia if you want, but in my case, i didnt. anyway, you can skip until second break. go to america(schoolyard). nothing much happens here, he'll just be thanking you for helping him. you can skip again.
next day. you can skip the first class. in the first break, go to america and russia(schoolyard). again, nothing much happens. just them fighting. you can skip until the day ends. you have an option to do something in the weekends, but its nothing much, i just went to sleep.

okay, now it should be monday (i think). india should be teaching the first class. this time, youll get an opportunity to write a love letter to someone.  since you want america's route, address it to america. i dont think the contents of the letter really matter, but here are the options i chose.
"i dont know how to start this letter but..."
"i love you, man. not like a friend."
"meet me at [insert place you want. recommend anything but the trash cans, lol.]. i've got something to tell you."
"love, me."

at this point, you'll be confessing to america. if you did everything right,  he should return the feelings. yeehaw. congrats.

if it didnt work, then i dunno how to help, man. i wrote this while re-doing his route. just be sure to ignore other characters, i guess? since like i said, you might activate someone else's route.
(feel free to ask me for more routes)


It worked! Thank you so much! The only thing i was doing wrong were the test options, Russia asked to study with me before, not america. My god, im so happy i finally got to finish this. Thank you again, you´re very kind for helping me :)

anytime! just have a habit of helping random people on the internet, lol.


its hard to get japan and south korea's route, any advice?

I did get the south korea's route , by helping him on a concert 

thats all

Deleted 1 year ago

yes ans im a meanie hehehe >:)


Very good game, I must admit. My friends and I enjoy playing this game very much lmao.
And I have one question, when I saw the Czechia, Poland and Hungary, I wondered if we could see Slovakia in the future.  So that we can have the whole the Visegrad Group together in the game.

yesyesyes i will add him


Hey bruh, can you add North Korea ಥ‿ಥ pls 


i dont think i will, sorry bro


Hey bruh, can you add Vietnam :3 




would be nice to have German as main character too but eh

why, nothing would change, you'd still be able to date him


happy late birthday!! :) 
i loved the game and i cant wait to see more characters !!
such as romania or moldova (yes i know romania was in the haloween uptade but i mean in the actual dating game xd)
love the game once again!!!

ill add them, thank you for suggestin bro


i luv em <3

i luv you too


You had me at 'world penis' :)


The game is the most beautiful I have seen, but I wish it was in Spanish so I can understand it as I am not that good at fluent English. :c

we are working on a translation


When ur antivirus is a dick:


Omg same

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)


Smexy :)

deer lord



As a hungarian... THAT "Kapd be a faszom, Lengyelország" HAD ME WHEEEZING. Love the game lmao


Okay mmmm, I play this game again and well ... (don't read if you haven't played it you play it, this comment will have a spoiler) WHY ITALY SAY THAT? I LOVE ITALY BUT WHY????? 



YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MORE STUFF (or am i just. Really late to more stuff)

good to see you alive john

good game 11/10 e for emazing

good art work you are coolest

love you bro


happy belated birthday nerd

or is it not (if it isn't then this'll be awkward. But i abused the button anyway)

not late it's on the 31st of march nerd




early birthday


thanks for the button i can aggressively click on it instead of playing the game 10/10  button



wait i can play in linux XD


I love how you hid stuff like "penis" or "cum" in places.


penis hehhe

Deleted 3 years ago


Deleted 3 years ago

I love this game, but people of the comments, does anyone know how to get Canada's good ending? I've been stuck for a while now ;-;

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

i am having trouble getting the game can someone help me it only gives me the file but i cant do anything with it and i just wanna play the game


did you extract the zip

good game but- there was glitch where there were 2 englands

im fixing them


i simp for this game the art is so cute and honestly is pretty good and put together! Keep up the great work its amazing!

Thanks dude


Theres somewhat glitches with the sprites of the characters like the soccer field where you meet one of the sports players for example but other then that it's amazing.

thanks dude, i'm workin on fixin everything

Lol bro why can't I open the game (I have already extracted it, brrrr), could u tell me why plz

I love ur game btw, countryhumans are my favourite thing lately <3

I don't know why, sorry, but thank you dude

Deleted post

what he's saying is translated in the little letters above the dialogue

(1 edit) (+1)

I just want to say something, THIS GAME IS THE BEST, I think it should have a translation into many more languages! (examples: Russian, German, Spanish, etc) I do not ask you to do it quickly, I only give my opinion uwu , leaving that aside , EVERYTHING IS PERFECT uwu

i'm glad you enjoyed it


is that seriously, you did a good job, I love the designs of the countries and I LOVE THE PERSONALITY OF ITALY, IT'S JUST UFFF I LOVE IT  (๑•ᴗ•๑) ♡♡♡♡♡


I love your game so far, though I'm noticing the guide link is broken? Is it possible to find a guide? Otherwise, no worries, I love the game so far.


i really like this game even tho i have some problems with it.

first i cant get Canada's good ending even tho i seem to choose the right thing.

second when i am trying to get Japan's route and when i am done with the sleep over it just repeats again and it wont move to another day. But its a really cool game and i love the artstyle good work!


I'm working on fixing it

amd thank you im glad you like it bro


es un hermoso juego pero creo que deverian poner mas idiomas

Deleted post
Deleted 328 days ago

wth how can i make canada like me:((


Omg fr i have been playing for 4 days still i cant get his ending


U need to choose all the Good choice for canada and give him gift

Deleted post

Same here!!



It's a glitch I'm fixing it


Banda, noc como jugarlo en celu💀🤝:(


I clap 👏 was good, paw-some art! The Easter eggs are great! Now I have have a boyfriend and my mom is proud XD but besides that 10/10. Japan is uwu and that is respected.  Uhhh idk what to say because this game is so good I can’t express it in words but dang you have some skill I can’t imagine how hard this must have been to make added with you basically made this entire game by yourself and that deserves a cookie 🍪. Well have a good day stranger!

Deleted post
Deleted 2 years ago
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