Omg, this game is so f*cking good, man. I just adore it. I don't think that you will answer to me, but will there be an update in future? It would be great, if the game lasted longer and there were more dialogues, but it still is amazing, really. Thank you for this game, dude💕
hey the game's pretty cool. can i make some suggestions?
i think the days should be longer and maybe there should be more meaningless conversations about silly things with the characters so it feels more like they're your friends that talk to you about random things, and less like strangers that put up with you. Maybe add more days or make the days longer. some of the conversations feel like they end too fast, like they should keep chatting a little longer. specially the ones at the start.
one other thing? maybe add a few more tracks. three in total would be good enough, you could have one for school time, one for outside time and one for very emotional scenes. just so its not the same all the time. plus it sometimes feel anticlimatic since its a happy tune.
hope you use this feedback but im no expert i got no clue what im saying lmao just trying to help
Ugh! This is so underrated! I really wish there are new characters like the whole ASEAN and maybe more Asian countries but I really loved it! oh and btw, how do you get Germany's ending? I've been trying to get it ever since I finished all of the routes except Germany's. But again, I really loved this game! 100% Would recommend if you are interested in gay ;)
am i an epic gamer yet, i played this game ok but this game has developed a lot (i died and then came back to play this game) and i'm proud of ye, good job john
Hey, can I request something? How about added some of ASEANs at the game as dateable characters? Especially the Rice Gang (Indonesia, Malay, and Philippine).
Hello! I really liked the game, I reminded me of Doki Doki literature club, anyway, I wondered if you could try to make an apk to be able to also play it on your cell phone/tablet
Hi!this is really great! i loved the game so much i showed for some of my friends, everyone plays one route we make fun of some parts but we really liked I really hope the game one day will be complete (don't do like Yandev, and don't finish the game for 6 years IS A JOKE take your time bro) maybe one day i make a video (bc i really want-) i will play every new demo and every thing! just it :³ bye
This is a great game play! May i suggest new routes? Such as a blast to the past and the player has the choice to either be sent to ww1, ww2 or present time. A lot of people like the older characters such as Austria-Hungary or USSR. Now I get the whole problem with the Third Reich and Soviet Union but you could always leave a disclaimer that these characters are involved in the game. You can also use an x for the swastika and just a yellow dot for the Soviet. Also props to you because this game is amazing!
Oh i have an idea. Howa bout you make an DLC where it is in the past. So Russia is USSR, Finland is Finland, America is America, And Canada is Canada.... So only one new person. Or you could have like. Third Reich, Japanese Empire, Kingdom of Italy, And USSR in a DLC or something. That would be a good idea. But what do i know? I just play games. You do you comrade.
Well... Just give a warning or just do what everyone does when drawing Third Reich. Just make a Plus sign and USSR... I don't know. But not all of the Countryhumans fans like Finland, Russia, America, Or Canada. Yes alot do. But there are those kind of people who like the older Countrys. Like me. I like USSR. (I'm a big history nerd and i mostly learn about the Soviet Union/USSR) But don't let people who hate that stuff knock you down. You're letting the hate get to you. If you love what you're making. Make it. Doesn't matter if everyone hates it. Make what you love. But what do i know? I just play games. You do you comrade.
← Return to gay ass visual novel
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Здравствуйте! Игра классная, но хочется что бы добавили русский язык. Спасибо и удачи
Hello! The game is cool, but I would like to add the Russian language. Thanks and good luck
Add USSR as a toilet ghost.
I like that idea very much
Omg, this game is so f*cking good, man. I just adore it. I don't think that you will answer to me, but will there be an update in future? It would be great, if the game lasted longer and there were more dialogues, but it still is amazing, really. Thank you for this game, dude💕
I'm constantly working on updates, so yeah there will be.
and im glad you like it bro
(☆▽☆)Круто Очень(☆▽☆) можно ли сделть Ссср?и 3рейха,спасибо что создали это(◠‿・)—☆
hey the game's pretty cool. can i make some suggestions?
i think the days should be longer and maybe there should be more meaningless conversations about silly things with the characters so it feels more like they're your friends that talk to you about random things, and less like strangers that put up with you. Maybe add more days or make the days longer. some of the conversations feel like they end too fast, like they should keep chatting a little longer. specially the ones at the start.
one other thing? maybe add a few more tracks. three in total would be good enough, you could have one for school time, one for outside time and one for very emotional scenes. just so its not the same all the time. plus it sometimes feel anticlimatic since its a happy tune.
hope you use this feedback but im no expert i got no clue what im saying lmao just trying to help
also please dont make it a nsfw game. :( its very pure and innocent and i see many ppl telling you to add dicc, please dont
Yo thanks for the feedback I really appreciate it
and of course I wont make it nsfw, its wholesome dating/friendship sim
the singular music track is driving me crazy help
also is there a walkthrough?
This game is just Emazing, ok?
I enjoyed playing so much, dialogue, desings, and everything is just-
I can't describe how much I love this game.
And I can't wait until I can date Poland, I'm happy that he isn't crybaby (because the most of fandom make him crybaby)
Also, how to get Germany ending? I'm trying to get it, but I'm doing something wrong :(
Ugh! This is so underrated! I really wish there are new characters like the whole ASEAN and maybe more Asian countries but I really loved it! oh and btw, how do you get Germany's ending? I've been trying to get it ever since I finished all of the routes except Germany's. But again, I really loved this game! 100% Would recommend if you are interested in
gay;)please make sweden a dateable character, he's stupid i love him
thank you for making this, it's adorable
wait one second
if we get to version 69 can we have NSFW of lemon
very polish game
pierogi są najlepsze
will have an NSFW version in the game 737?
am i an epic gamer yet, i played this game
ok but this game has developed a lot (i died and then came back to play this game) and i'm proud of ye, good job john
anyway have cookie *gives cookie*
thank you bro
This game was incredible, honestly the best i ever played(●´ω`●)
(sorry for my bad english)
thank bro
This game was awesome (and Canada was adorable!!!), but I can't seem to get Canada's good ending, I always get rejected T^T
I followed the guide there was on how to end up with who, but I still fail... Any precisions?
Omg the guide wouldnt open for m
Hey, can I request something? How about added some of ASEANs at the game as dateable characters? Especially the Rice Gang (Indonesia, Malay, and Philippine).
(Sorry for bad English Q^Q)
And by the way, how to date Germany?
I love canada to death :
Who else thought canada was cute Or is it just me W A
thank you bro
but i want kinda yandere one make one of character became yandere so it more exciting you know
Which country should be yandere?
This game is very cool and wonderfull. thx too for update :D
thanks bro
I LOVE this game!!
TYSM for updating :D!
thank you
I don't really know anything about Country Humans, but I just wanna say that I loved this game.
It was very well made,
it had JoJo References.
Thank you for making this masterpiece.
thank you joe joe mama kujo
It was awesome but can you make a yandere country? I mean it will be better. ım sorry if this too much QWQ
nah dude its fine, if you have discord you can suggest what country should be yandere, if not you can suggest here too
what country should be yandere
Hm... I think russia should be the yandere 'cause he has problems in game. You can make his problems worse
um hamantha on the wall checkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Ay so, this isnt playable on iOS right? Can you please make it playable on iPads and iPhones cus i really wanna play this game but it wont work.
i really liked this game and the art is really great :')
Hello! I really liked the game, I reminded me of Doki Doki literature club, anyway, I wondered if you could try to make an apk to be able to also play it on your cell phone/tablet
it wont let me download- it says forbidden or something
if you have discord you can join and people on the discord can help
Hi!this is really great!
i loved the game so much
i showed for some of my friends, everyone plays one route
we make fun of some parts but we really liked
I really hope the game one day will be complete (don't do like Yandev, and don't finish the game for 6 years
IS A JOKE take your time bro)maybe one day i make a video (bc i really want-)
i will play every new demo and every thing!
just it :³ bye
thank you fren and I WILL FINISH
i have an idea-
How about making a character like a yandere (like monika of ddlc)
the character would be Spain or Groenland :p
Just a idea-
do it if you want lmao
sure, but why greenland/spain
people keep on forgetting Greenland exists, he is starved of attention
This is a great game play! May i suggest new routes? Such as a blast to the past and the player has the choice to either be sent to ww1, ww2 or present time. A lot of people like the older characters such as Austria-Hungary or USSR. Now I get the whole problem with the Third Reich and Soviet Union but you could always leave a disclaimer that these characters are involved in the game. You can also use an x for the swastika and just a yellow dot for the Soviet. Also props to you because this game is amazing!
very cool, short but entertaining, but question (order), i demand john's route
hot lemon route is good idea
Oh i have an idea. Howa bout you make an DLC where it is in the past. So Russia is USSR, Finland is Finland, America is America, And Canada is Canada.... So only one new person. Or you could have like. Third Reich, Japanese Empire, Kingdom of Italy, And USSR in a DLC or something. That would be a good idea. But what do i know? I just play games. You do you comrade.
That would be interesting but not for a dating sim, you know, especially when it comes to dating Third Reich, USSR and people like that
Well... Just give a warning or just do what everyone does when drawing Third Reich. Just make a Plus sign and USSR... I don't know. But not all of the Countryhumans fans like Finland, Russia, America, Or Canada. Yes alot do. But there are those kind of people who like the older Countrys. Like me. I like USSR. (I'm a big history nerd and i mostly learn about the Soviet Union/USSR) But don't let people who hate that stuff knock you down. You're letting the hate get to you. If you love what you're making. Make it. Doesn't matter if everyone hates it. Make what you love. But what do i know? I just play games. You do you comrade.
This game is very cool ;)
I wait a new update
Thanks dude and I'm working on it
how to translate into Brazilian Portuguese and that I'm from Brazil and I need to translate all the time
The game doesn't have any other language versions other than English, I might work with some people to make other language versions someday
The game was amazing! I really enjoyed playing it, keep up the good work^^ I also couldn't stop laughing at some germany scenes lol